
Removing bias and ensuring honesty in product reviews


Founding UX/UI Designer


September - December 2022







Madisyn G. (Product Manager)

Tyler S. (Developer)

Misha K. (Developer)

Colin H. (Mentor)


In 2022, I led the UX/UI design for Hue, a short-form video product review app developed at USC’s startup incubator, Lavalab. Over a span of three weeks, I collaborated closely with one product manager and two developers to bring Hue from concept to reality.

Defining the Problem

48% of customer reviews are sponsored.

This makes it challenging for consumers to find honest feedback. With the rise of social media, distinguishing genuine reviews from sponsored content has become increasingly difficult.

 This led us to ask:

How might we bring back trust and customization in product reviews?

Take a sneak peak...

Reviews on thumbnail to help with accessible searching

Review icons on video thumbnails offer quick insights into product quality to aid users in efficient decision-making and promoting informed choices.

Removing the follow-following feature

Removing the follower-following feature in Hue curtails follower accumulation, fostering an unbiased space for authentic product reviews and unfiltered user opinions.

Upvote or downvote comments

Users can upvote or downvote comments on review videos, fostering diverse perspectives and deeper insights within the comments section, aligning with Hue's emphasis on authenticity.

...but how did we get here?

01 / How did we get here?

The power of short-form video


of customers read online reviews before purchasing


of US internet users aged 18-34 spend over 25 minutes searching for reviews.

Project Goals: Eliminating the bias in reviews

Eliminate bias in reviews

Increase trust

Enhance personalization

Heighten discovery

By focusing on these goals, we aimed to capture user trust and facilitate personalized product discovery.

02 / Understanding our users and market


To understand our target users, I conducted a Google Form survey, receiving seven responses. This helped us understand user pain points and opportunities for Hue.

Key insights included:


use short-form video apps to discover new products and make purchases.


users were less trusting of sponsored reviews


of customers need visual content (images, videos) to make purchases

Our rivalries

We conducted platform research on key review apps to identify gaps for expansion. I analyzed pros and cons, establishing Hue’s unique value proposition:

  • Prioritize authentic, unsponsored reviews.
  • Remove the follow feature.
  • Minimize popularity counts.
  • Emphasize transparent product ratings for unbiased discovery.

03 / The Drawing Board

Initial Sketches

I began by focusing on three main design principles:

  • Personalized content for users.
  • Emphasis on review videos and discovery.
  • Ease of navigation.

I then collaborated with my product manager and developers to draft ideas for Hue's features and feasibility of interaction design.


Hue’s wireframes underwent multiple iterations and usability tests to ensure ease of navigation and digestibility of reviews. There were many conversations with developers to discuss what was able to be designed within the short timeframe we had.

Validating our design decisions

Using Maze, I created a series of tasks for users to run through a functioning prototype of Hue after hifis were completed to address design concerns that arose as I was designing. After gaining 6 responses, here are the key insights:

Minimizing the search

Only 1 out of 5 users utilized the full-width search bar on the Home page. We replaced it with a Search icon in the upper right corner to emphasize the personalized home feed while maintaining search accessibility.

Intuitive Video Swiping

We tested whether users could easily swipe up to view new videos. 4 out of 5 users completed this task successfully, indicating intuitive navigation similar to apps like TikTok and Instagram.

Design Challenges

Iteration is key in any project, and we faced several design challenges. My team and I ideated multiple solutions that would allow us to highlight Hue further after feedback from our mentors.

1. Emphasize Hue’s unique features to create a brand identity

Hue's initial designs were too similar to competitors, with unclear incentives for user engagement. We introduced unique branding elements like a 4:3 video format, vibrant colors, and an enhanced Profile screen to highlight benefits through easy-access buttons for purchases, rewards, and past reviews.

2. Creating a visual hierarchy to enhance readability

Early drafts of the Product page were cluttered. Based on user survey feedback and competitor analysis, we redesigned the Product screen with a top-down visual hierarchy to improve readability and user experience.

3. Making benefits clearer

Mentor feedback indicated that Hue’s benefits were not clear enough. We updated the Profile screen to feature clear CTA buttons for adding purchases, checking rewards, and accessing past purchases.

Design System

As the sole product designer, I developed a comprehensive design system to define Hue’s branding. This included a typography hierarchy, color palette, and a set of icons and components used consistently throughout the app.

Final Screens

Over three weeks, I designed and iterated on 20+ screens for Hue, considering various edge cases. This project expanded my design thinking, ensuring an inclusive and user-friendly experience for all users.

The Final Product

Meet Hue


Be rewarded for honesty

The Profile screen introduces users to an incentivizing reward system when they upload reviews to Hue. They can manage their credit and use it to purchase other items on Hue.


Discover something new from your purchases

Categories and products are tailored to the user based on what they have previously purchased, viewed, or reviewed to enhance personalization.


Search for the product you’ve had your eye on

The digestible visual hierarchy of product information, including the product’s average rating, enables shoppers to gather the information they need to learn about a product according to real customers and their experiences.

Hue takes Judge's Choice Award!

Effective communication and honesty were our team's strengths, fostering a collaborative environment that was both enjoyable and productive.


Communication = Your secret power

Throughout the 3-4 months of this project, my team was such a pleasure to work with. Although we had all become friends after spending so much time together, one of our key superpowers was our communication and honesty.

The users are everything

The individuals we interacted with for our surveys, interviews, and usability testing were the core reason as to how Hue came alive. The users were the one who validated my design decisions and allowed me to discover gaps in Hue’s design that I hadn’t noticed without them.

Big shoutout to the Hue team! I'm so proud of our accomplishments and can't wait to see where our innovative and creative minds take us!

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